AGC 1656 - Observing Notes

N4692 = U07967 = M+05-30-086 = Z159-078
12 47 55.3 +27 13 20
V = 12.6;  Size 1.3x1.3;  SB = 13.2

17.5": fairly faint, small, round, weak concentration.  Located 7' NNW of mag
8.0 SAO 82502.  Three mag 13.5-14 stars forming an equilateral triangle
cradle the galaxy off the SW, S and SE sides.  Outlying member of Abell 1656.

N4728 = M+05-30-098 = Z159-087 = NPM1G +27.0384 = Ho 469a
12 50 28.0 +27 26 05
V = 13.5;  Size 1.2x1.2;  SB = 13.9

17.5": faint, small, round, even surface brightness.  A mag 11 star is 3.3'
SSW.  This outlying member of Abell 1656 forms a trio with N4728A = U07992 2'
ESE and N4728B 3.5' NNE.  N4745 lies 13' E.  Located 18' SE of 30 Comae
Berenices (V = 5.8) and 17' SW of 31 Comae (V = 4.9).  CGCG magnitude =15.6z
is too faint.

N4745B = M+05-30-105
12 51 21.6 +27 26 40
V = 15.0;  Size 0.9x0.2;  SB = 13.0;  PA = 10d

17.5": only glimpsed momentarily on several occassions 1.7' WNW of N4745.
Appeared virtually stellar and no details were detectable although this is a
thin edge-on N-S on POSS.  Member of Abell 1656.

N4745 = M+05-30-105A = Z159-094
12 51 26.1 +27 25 16
V = 15.1;  Size 0.8x0.8;  SB = 14.5

17.5": faint, small, round, well-defined edge to halo, no concentration.  A
mag 14 star is 1.4' ENE of center.  The view is hampered by 31 Comae
Berenices (V = 4.9) located 8.0' NNE and mag 9 SAO 82532 5.3' SSW.  N4728 is
at the edge of the field 13' W.  There were several brief impressions of an
extremely faint companion galaxy 1.7' WNW (N4745B).  Outlying member of Abell

N4787 = U08026 = M+05-30-121 = Z159-111 = Z160-006
12 54 05.5 +27 04 06
V = 14.4;  Size 1.1x0.3;  SB = 13.0;  PA = 2d

17.5": very faint, fairly small, very elongated 3:1 N-S, low but uneven
surface brightness.  A mag 10 star lies 2.9' WSW.  Forms a pair with N4789
3.0' E.  Member of Abell 1656.

N4788 = M+05-30-123 = Z159-112 = Z160-007
12 54 16.0 +27 18 12
V = 14.3;  Size 0.8x0.3;  PA = 140d

17.5": faint, very small, round, 20" diameter.  Located 1.3' E of a mag 10.5
star.  N4798 lies 10.9' NE.  Member of Abell 1656.

N4789 = U08028 = M+05-30-124 = Z159-113 = Z160-008
12 54 18.9 +27 04 04
V = 12.1;  Size 1.9x1.5;  SB = 13.1;  PA = 0d

17.5": fairly faint, very small, slightly elongated N-S.  A mag 10 star is
just 40" N of center.  Forms a pair with close N4787 3.0' W.  Located 18' NNE
of mag 6.9 SAO 82554.  Outlying member of Abell 1656.

N4798 = U08038 = M+05-31-004 = Z159-118 = Z160-013 = N4797
12 54 55.2 +27 24 44
V = 13.2;  Size 1.2x0.9;  SB = 13.1;  PA = 30d

17.5": fairly faint, fairly small, slightly elongated N-S, very weak
concentration.  A mag 14 star is 1.0' S of center and a mag 10 star 7.5' E.
Member of Abell 1656 with N4788 10.9' SW, N4807 9.9' NE and IC 3900 14.5' SE.

N4807 = U08049 = M+05-31-006 = Z160-017
12 55 29.1 +27 31 15
V = 13.5;  Size 1.0x0.8;  SB = 13.1

17.5": fairly faint, round, 0.8' diameter, bright core.  A mag 13 star is
3.2' NNW.  Member of Abell 1656 with N4798 9.9' SW and M+05-31-007 8.1' N.

M+05-31-007 = Z160-015
12 55 29.4 +27 31 14
V = 13.7;  Size 1.0x1.0;  SB = 13.3

17.5": very faint, extremely faint.  A mag 11 star is just 1.2' N and a mag
14.5 star is 50" SSE of center.  Picked up 8.1' N of N4807 within Abell 1656.

IC3900 = M+05-31-009 = Z160-019
12 55 41.4 +27 15 02
V = 14.0;  Size 0.7x0.5;  SB = 12.7;  PA = 0d

17.5": fairly faint, very small, round, high surface brightness, weakly
concentrated, occasional stellar nucleus.  Collinear with a mag 13 star and a
mag 10.5 star 1.3' S and 3.1' S of center, respectively.  Easily picked up
14.5' SW of N4798 in Abell 1656.

N4816 = U08057 = M+05-31-010 = Z160-021
12 56 12.2 +27 44 43
V = 12.8;  Size 1.3x1.1;  SB = 13.1

17.5": fairly faint, small, elongated 4:3 E-W, brighter core, diffuse halo.
Confusing appearance at low power as a mag 13.7 star is close off the NE edge
34" from center creating the appearance of elongation.  Also forms a close
pair with Z160-023 1.8' ENE.  The three objects are well resolved at 280x.
This member of Abell 1656 is located 14' E of mag 8 SAO 82565.

CGCG 160-023
12 56 19.8 +27 45 03
Size 0.3x0.3

17.5": extremely faint and small, round, no details visible.  Picked up 1.8'
ENE of much brighter N4816 within Abell 1656.

CGCG 160-027
12 56 26.7 +27 49 50

17.5": faint, very small, round, 0.3' diameter.  Located 1.8' WSW of a mag
12.5 star and 5.8' NW of mag 9.5 SAO 82578 within Abell 1656.  N4816 lies
6.0' SW.

N4819 = U08060 = M+05-31-014 = Z160-025
12 56 27.9 +26 59 14
V = 13.2;  Size 1.2x0.9;  SB = 13.2;  PA = 160d

17.5": brighter of pair with N4821 2.0' S.  Fairly faint, slighly elongated,
1.0'x0.8', broad concentration, brighter center but no nucleus.  A mag 13.5
star is 3.6' SW.  N4819 lies 12' NNE.  Outlying member of Abell 1656.

N4821 = M+05-31-015 = Z160-024
12 56 29.2 +26 57 25
V = 14.5;  Size 0.5x0.3;  SB = 12.4

17.5": fainter and smaller of pair with N4819 2.0' N.  Faint, small, slightly
elongated 4:3 N-S, no concentration.  A mag 14.5 star is 1.5' WSW and a mag
13.5 is 3.5' W (this star forms the western vertex of an isosceles triangle
with N4821 and N4819).  N4827 lies 13.8' N.  Outlying member of Abell 1656.

NPM1G +27.0392 = (R)N4824
12 56 34.2 +27 32 20
Size 0.7x0.6

17.5": extremely faint, very small, round, 0.2' diameter, almost visible
continuously with averted at 280x.  Forms a near isosceles trapezoid with two
mag 14 stars 5'-6' W and a mag 13.5 star 4.4' SSW, N4839 11.4' ESE.  Picked
up by drifting 14.4' E from N4807.  Located within Abell 1656.  Not listed in
CGCG or MCG and incorrectly identified in the RNGC as N4824.

N4827 = U08065 = M+05-31-016 = Z160-028
12 56 43.6 +27 10 43
V = 12.9;  Size 1.4x1.3;  SB = 13.4

17.5": fairly faint, fairly small, slightly elongated, sharply concentrated
with a faint halo and a very small bright core.  The N4819/N4820 pair is
12.0' SSW.  Outlying member of Abell 1656.

M+05-31-023 = Z160-037
12 57 09.5 +27 27 59
V = 14.4;  Size 0.4x0.4;  SB = 12.4

17.5": extremely faint, very small, round.  Forms the SW vertex of a near
equilateral triangle with two mag 14 stars 1.5' N and 1.6' ENE.  Picked up
3.8' SW of N4839 within Abell 1656.

N4839 = U08070 = M+05-31-025 = Z160-039
12 57 24.4 +27 29 52
V = 12.1;  Size 4.2x2.1;  SB = 14.3;  PA = 65d

17.5": fairly faint, fairly small, elongated 3:2 WSW-ENE, 1.0'x0.7', weak
even concentration to a brighter core.  Lies midway between a mag 11.5 star
2.5' NE and a mag 14 star 2.4' SW.  Forms a close pair with N4842 (double
system) 2.6' E.  In the field are N4840 7.0' N and M+05-31-023 3.8' SW.  An
anonymous galaxy was picked up 11.4' WNW.  This member of Abell 1656 is a
double system with a companion superimposed 0.4' SW of center (not resolved).

N4841 = U08072 = M-05-31-026 = Z160-044sw
12 57 32.0 +28 28 37
V = 12.8;  Size 1.7x1.7;  SB = 13.8

17.5": very close double system located 3.1' NNE of mag 9.5 SAO 82582.  The
SW component (N4841A) is fairly faint, small, round, 35" diameter.  Even
concentration with a bright core and faint stellar nucleus.  In contact with
N4841B at the NE end (separation of 34") although clearly resolved at 280x.
Member of Abell 1656.

N4840 = M+05-31-029 = Z160-042
12 57 32.9 +27 36 37
V = 13.7;  Size 0.6x0.6;  SB = 12.9

17.5": faint, small, round, 0.4' diameter, symmetrical appearance with an
even concentration.  Member of the Abell 1656 with N4839 7.0' S.

N4841B = U08073 = M+05-31-027 = Z160-044ne
12 57 33.9 +28 28 56
V = 12.6;  Size 1.3x1.3;  SB = 13.8

17.5": fainter member of double system with N4841A.  Faint, small, round, 30"
diameter.  Similar size as N4841A attached at the SW end (34" separation) but
lower surface brightness with a very weak concentration and no core although
a faint stellar nucleus is visible.  Member of Abell 1656.

N4842 = M+05-31-030 = Z160-046n
12 57 35.9 +27 29 35
V = 13.9;  Size 0.4x0.3

17.5": very faint, very small, very small bright core, possible stellar
nucleus.  Forms a close pair with N4839 just 2.6' W.  At 280x, this galaxy is
resolved into a double system with an almost stellar companion (N4842B) 30" S
of center.  The close double Σ1699 = 8.6/8.6 at 1.6" separation lies 14.4' E.
Member of Abell 1656.

N4842B = M+05-31-031 = Z160-046s
12 57 36.2 +27 29 05
V = 15.0;  Size 0.3x0.2

17.5": this obect is an extremely faint and small companion to N4842 just 30"
S of center.  Resolved at 280x although appears virtually stellar.  Member of
Abell 1656.

N4848 = U08082 = M+05-31-039 = Z160-055
12 58 05.6 +28 14 32
V = 13.7;  Size 1.6x0.5;  SB = 13.3;  PA = 158d

17.5": faint, small, very elongated 4:1 NW-SE, even surface brightness.
Member of Abell 1656.

N4849 = U08086 = M+05-31-044 = Z160-056 = IC 3935
12 58 12.7 +26 23 49
V = 12.8;  Size 1.7x1.3;  SB = 13.6;  PA = 175d

17.5": fairly faint, fairly small, slightly elongated, weak even
concentration down to a brighter core.  A faint double star is 7' N with
components mag 12.3 and 13.6 at 16".  Forms a close pair with IC 838 1.9' NNE
(not seen).  Outlying member of Abell 1656.

N4851 = Z160-061
12 58 21.7 +28 08 55
V = 14.2

17.5": very faint, very small, elongated N-S.  This is a double system (not
resolved although the components are oriented NNE-SSW) in Abell 1656.  IC 839
is a separate galaxy 2.0' SW.

d'Arrest's position matches Z160-061.  N4851 is close double system (faint
companion close NE) which is misidentified as N4851+IC 839 in CGCG.
Bigourdan observed both galaxies on the same night and IC 839 = Z160-057 is a
separate galaxy ~2' SW of N4851.  N4851 is not in MCG or RC3.  See NGCBUGS.

N4850 = M+05-31-040 = Z160-063 = NPM1G +28.0251
12 58 21.8 +27 58 04
V = 14.2;  Size 0.7x0.7;  SB = 13.2

17.5": very faint, very small, round, very small bright core.  Forms pair
with M+05-31-048 3.5' NE.  Member of Abell 1656.

M+05-31-046 = Z160-065 = Goodwin #710
12 58 30.2 +28 00 53
V = 14.1;  Size 1.0x1.0;  SB = 14.1

17.5": very faint, very small, elongated N-S, broad concentration, very faint
stellar nucleus.  Appears similar or slightly brighter than N4850 3' SW.
Member of Abell 1656.

N4853 = U08092 = M+05-31-048 = Z160-068 = II Zw 67
12 58 35.2 +27 35 47
V = 13.6;  Size 0.8x0.8;  SB = 13.0

17.5": fairly faint, small, round, bright core.  Forms a pair with N4854 5.2'
NE.  Located 8' NNW of Σ1699 = 8.6/8.6 at 1.6".  Located within Abell 1656.

IC3943 = Z160-069
12 58 36.4 +28 06 49

17.5": very faint, very small, slightly elongated.  Located between two mag
13 and 15 stars.  Member of Abell 1656 with the N4858/N4860 pair 6' E.

N4854 = M+05-31-049 = Z160-070
12 58 47.4 +27 40 29
V = 13.9;  Size 0.7x0.4;  PA = 40d

17.5": very faint, small, slightly elongated SW-NE.  Member of Abell 1656
with N4853 5.2' SW.

IC3946 = M+05-31-050 = Z160-210
12 58 48.7 +27 48 37
V = 14.0;  Size 0.7x0.4;  SB = 12.5;  PA = 80d

17.5": very faint, small, elongated 2:1 WSW-ENE.  A mag 14 star is 1.1' NW.
Located in Abell 1656 with IC 3949 2.1' NE and IC 3947 1.7' SSE.

IC3947 = Z160-211 = NPM1G +28.0253
12 58 52.1 +27 47 05
V = 14.5;  Size 0.3x0.2

17.5": extremely faint and small, round.  Located in Abell 1656 with IC 3946
1.7' NNW and IC 3949 3.0' NNE.

IC3949 = U08096 = M+05-31-052
12 58 56.1 +27 49 59
V = 14.3;  Size 1.0x0.2;  SB = 12.3;  PA = 73d

17.5": very faint, fairly small, edge-on SW-NE, weak concentration.  A mag
12.5 star is 1.5' N.  Located in a rich section of Abell 1656 with IC 3946
2.1' SW, IC 3960 2.9' NE and IC 3947 3.0' SSW.

13": very faint, elongated.  Situated between two stars in Abell 1656.

N4859 = U08097 = M+05-31-053 = Z160-071
12 59 01.8 +26 48 56
V = 13.6;  Size 1.3x0.8;  SB = 13.4;  PA = 95d

17.5": faint, small, slightly elongated E-W, 0.6'x0.5', very weak
concentration.  A mag 13.5 star is 1.8' SE.  Outlying member of Abell 1656.

CGCG 160-214 = Goodwin #613
12 59 01.8 +28 13 31
V = 14.2

17.5": very faint, very small, slightly elongated.  Located 7.0' W of a mag
8.1 SAO 82596 within Abell 1656.  N4860 lies 6' S.

N4858 = M+05-31-051 = Z160-213
12 59 02.0 +28 06 55
V = 15.2;  Size 0.5x0.5;  SB = 13.6

17.5": extremely faint and small, round, requires averted.  Forms a very
close pair with N4860 34" NE.  Member of Abell 1656.

N4860 = M+05-31-054 = Z160-215
12 59 03.9 +28 07 25
V = 13.5;  Size 1.4x1.2;  SB = 14.1

17.5": faint, small, round, bright core.  Forms a close pair with N4858 34"
SW within Abell 1656.  IC 4943 lies 5' W and N4865 4.2' SE almost at the
midpoint on line with mag 7.2 SAO 82595 7.2' SE.

13": faint, very small, round.  Located 4' NW of N4865.

IC3955 = Z160-216
12 59 06.0 +27 59 48
V = 14.4

17.5": extremely faint and small, round.  Located 2' NW of the N4864/N4867
pair and 7' WNW of N4872 in a rich portion of Abell 1656.

IC3957 = M+05-31-060 = Z160-217
12 59 07.5 +27 46 04
V = 14.8;  Size 0.4x0.4;  SB = 12.7

17.5": extremely faint and small, round.  In a close trio with IC 3959 1.0' N
and IC 3963 1.4' ENE within Abell 1656.

IC3960 = M+05-31-055 = Z160-219
12 59 07.9 +27 51 18
V = 14.9;  Size 0.4x0.4;  SB = 12.7

17.5": extremely faint, very small, round.  Located 8.8' SW of N4874 in the
core of Abell 1656.  Forms a pair with IC 3949 2.9' SW.

IC3959 = M+05-31-059 = Z160-218
12 59 08.2 +27 47 02
V = 14.3;  Size 0.5x0.5;  SB = 12.8

17.5": very faint, very small, round.  A mag 12.5 star is 1.6' NNW.  In a
close trio with IC 3957 1.0' S and IC 3963 1.3' SE, also IC 3947 lies 3.5' W.
Located in a rich section of Abell 1656.

N4864 = M+05-31-058 = Z160-221
12 59 13.2 +27 58 36
V = 13.6;  Size 0.6x0.3;  SB = 11.8

17.5": faint, very small, round.  Forms a double system with N4867 off the SE
edge just 40" from center and IC 3955 is 2' NW.  Located in the core of Abell
1656 5.0' W of N4874.

13": faint, very small, round, very close pair with N4867.

IC3963 = M+05-31-061 = Z160-220
12 59 13.5 +27 46 28
V = 14.8;  Size 0.7x0.3;  SB = 12.8

17.5": extremely faint and small, elongated E-W.  Third of three in
equilateral triangle with IC 3959 1.4' WNW and IC 3957 1.4' WSW in Abell 1656.

M+05-31-063 = Z160-223 = Goodwin #577
12 59 13.9 +28 04 34
V = 14.6;  Size 0.3

17.5": extremely faint and small, round.  Forms a close pair with N4865 1' NE
in the core of Abell 1656.

N4867 = M+05-31-062 = Z160-222
12 59 15.2 +27 58 14
V = 14.5;  Size 0.7x0.7;  SB = 13.6

17.5": very faint, extremely small, round.  Forms a double system with N4864
off the NW edge 40" from center.  Located 4.5' W of N4874 in the core of
Abell 1656.

13": very faint, small, round, very close pair with N4864.  Located 5' WNW of
N4874, Abell 1656.

N4865 = U08100 = M+05-31-064 = Z160-224
12 59 19.8 +28 05 03
V = 13.7;  Size 0.9x0.5;  SB = 12.8;  PA = 115d

17.5": faint, small, slightly elongated.  Located in the core of Abell 1656
3.1' WNW of mag 7.1 SAO 82595 which detracts from viewing.  Nearby are
M+05-31-063 1' SW and N4860 4.2' NW.

13": very faint, small.  Located 3' NW of a mag 7 star in Abell 1656.  N4860
lies 3' NW.

N4869 = M+05-31-065 = Z160-225
12 59 23.3 +27 54 41
V = 13.8;  Size 0.7x0.7;  SB = 13.1

17.5": faint, small, round, weak concentration.  A mag 14 star is attached at
the NW edge 16" from the center and a mag 12 star is 2.0' NNE.  Located in
the core of Abell 1656 4.0' SW of N4874 with a number of galaxies near
including N4875 3' ESE, IC 3973 3' SE and N4872 3.2' NE.

13": faint, small, round.  A mag 13 star is attached at the NW edge.  Located
5' SW N4874 in Abell 1656.

IC3976 = Z160-226
12 59 29.4 +27 51 00
V = 14.7;  Size 0.5x0.2;  PA = 160d

17.5": very faint, extremely small, elongated NW-SE.  Located in core of
Abell 1656 6.7' SSW of N4874.  IC 3973 lies 2.0' N.

N4871 = M+05-31-066 = Z160-227
12 59 29.9 +27 57 23
V = 14.1;  Size 0.7x0.5;  SB = 12.8;  PA = 0d

17.5": companon of N4874 in the core of Abell 1656.  Located 1.3' W of the
center of N4874.  Very faint, extremely small, round.  A mag 12 star lies
1.2' S.  Numerous galaxies are nearby including N4873 1.8' NNE and N4872 1.1'

13": very faint, very small, round, very close companion of N4874 just 1' W,
Abell 1656.

IC3973 = Z160-228
12 59 30.8 +27 53 03
V = 14.4;  Size 0.5x0.3;  PA = 160d

17.5": very faint, very small, slightly elongated WNW-ESE.  Located in the
central core of Abell 1656 just 4.6' S of N4874.  Also first of three on a
SW-NE line with N4875 2.1' NE and N4876 3.5' ENE.  IC 3976 lies 2.1' S.

13": extremely faint, very small.  Located 4.4' S of  N4874 in the core of
Abell 1656.

N4873 = M+05-31-069 = Z160-229
12 59 32.8 +27 59 01
V = 14.1;  Size 0.8x0.6;  SB = 13.1

17.5": close companion of N4874 in the core of Abell 1656.  Very faint, very
small, slightly elongated, very small bright core.  Located 1.6' NNW of
N4874.  Nearby galaxies include N4871 1.7' SSW and N4864/N4867 pair 4.3' W.

N4872 = M+05-31-068 = Z160-230
12 59 34.1 +27 56 48
V = 14.4;  Size 0.8x0.6;  PA = 115d

17.5": this is the closest companion of N4874 just off the SW edge of N4874
in the core of Abell 1656.  Very faint, very small, irregularly round, small
bright core.  A mag 12 star lies 1.3' SW.  Located just 52" SW of the center
of N4874.  A swarm of galaxies in the field with N4871 1.1' NW, N4873 2.2' N
and N4875 2.5' SSE.

N4874 = U08103 = M+05-31-070 = Z160-231
12 59 35.7 +27 57 33
V = 11.7;  Size 1.9x1.9;  SB = 13.1

17.5": second brightest galaxy in the core of Abell 1656.  Fairly faint,
fairly small, slightly elongated, bright core.  Located 6.4' S of mag 7.2 SAO
82595.  A mag 12 star lies 2.5' WSW.  Surrounded by a halo of faint galaxies
including N4872 52" SSW, N4871 1.3' W, N4873 1.6' NNW, IC 3998 2.3' ENE.

13": fairly faint, round, fairly small, 2nd brightest in Abell 1656.  A mag 7
star lies about 6' N and a mag 12.5 star 2' SW.  Numerous companions are
nearby in the field.

N4875 = Z160-232
12 59 37.9 +27 54 26
V = 14.7;  Size 0.4x0.3

17.5": companion of N4874 in the core of Abell 1656.  Located 3.1' S of
N4874.  Appears extremely faint and small, slightly elongated.  Second of
three and located between IC 3973 2.1' SW and N4876 1.5' E.  A mag 12 star is
2.7' NW.

PGC 44652 = Goodwin #458
12 59 44.0 +27 57 30
V = 15.8;  Size 0.3x0.2

17.5": close companion on the E side of N4874 in the central core of Abell
1656.  Extremely faint and small, round.  Located just 1.9' E of the center
of N4874.  Forms a pair with IC 3998 1.1' NNE.

N4876 = M+05-31-073 = Z160-234
12 59 44.4 +27 54 44
V = 14.4;  Size 0.5x0.5;  SB = 12.9

17.5": very faint, very small, elongated N-S.  Located in the core of Abell
1656 3.4' SE of N4874.  Third of three with N4875 1.5' WSW and IC 3973 3.4'

13": extremely faint, very small, round.  Located 4' SE of N4874 in Abell 1656.

IC3998 = Z160-236
12 59 46.8 +27 58 26
V = 14.6;  Size 0.8x0.5;  PA = 10d

17.5": located in the central core of Abell 1656 between N4874 and N4889.
Extremely faint and small, round.  Forms a close pair with PGC 44652 =
Goodwin #458 1.1' SSE.  Located 2.6' ENE of N4874 and a swarm of galaxies are
in the field surrounding N4874.  Also located 4.7' due W of N4889 (brightest
in Abell 1656).

13": extremely faint, very small, between N4874 and N4889 in core of Abell

M+05-31-074 = Z160-079 = Goodwin #441
12 59 47.2 +27 42 37
V = 14.0

17.5": very faint, elongated N-S, even surface brightness.  Located 17' S of
N4874 in Abell 1656.

N4883 = Z160-237
12 59 56.0 +28 02 04
V = 14.3;  Size 0.5x0.3;  PA = 93d

17.5": located in the central core of Abell 1656 4.4' NW of N4889 and 6.4' NE
of N4874.  Very faint, very small, round.  Mag 7.2 SAO 82595 5.4' WNW hinders
observation of this galaxy.

N4881 = U08106 = M+05-31-075 = Z160-238
12 59 57.7 +28 14 48
V = 13.6;  Size 1.0x1.0;  SB = 13.5

17.5": faint, very small, round, bright core.  Located 5' E of mag 8.1 SAO
82596.  Forms a pair with N4895 5.2' SE.  Located 15' N of the central core
region of Abell 1656.

N4892 = U08108 = M+05-31-078 = Z160-081
13 00 03.5 +26 53 53
V = 13.9;  Size 1.3x0.3;  SB = 12.7;  PA = 13d

17.5": very faint, thin edge-on SSW-NNE, 1.0'x0.2'.  Followed by two mag
14-14.5 stars with separation 39" oriented SSW-NNE and parallel to the major
axis (closer star is 0.6' E of center).  N4859 lies 14.6' SW.  Outlying
member of Abell 1656.

N4886 = M+05-31-076 = Z160-239 = N4882
13 00 04.4 +27 59 15
V = 13.9;  Size 1.1x1.1;  SB = 14.0

17.5": close companion to N4889 in the central core of Abell 1656.  Very
faint, very small, slightly elongated.  Located just 1.0' NW of the core of
Abell 1656.  Nearby galaxies surrounding N4889 includes IC 4011 1.1' NNE,
N4883 3.4' NW and IC 4021 4' NE.

13": very faint, very small, round.  Close companion 1' NW of N4889 in the
central core of Abell 1656.

IC4011 = Z160-242
13 00 06.4 +28 00 14
V = 15.1;  Size 0.5x0.5

17.5": extremely faint and small, round, barely non-stellar, visible with
averted vision only.  Located 1.6' N of N4889 in the dense central core of
Abell 1656 with numerous galaxies nearby including N4886 1.1' SSW and N4883
2.9' NW.

N4889 = U08110 = M+05-31-077 = Z160-241 = N4884
13 00 08.1 +27 58 37
V = 11.5;  Size 2.9x1.9;  SB = 13.3;  PA = 80d

17.5": largest and brightest galaxy in Abell 1656 = Coma I galaxy cluster.
N4889 and N4874 9.2' W are both surrounded by a cloud of faint galaxies.
Moderately bright, fairly small, oval E-W, bright core.  Several companions
near including N4886 1.0' NW, N4894 1.9' ESE, N4898 2.4' SE which are all
collinear with N4889 and IC 4011 1.6' N.

13": fairly bright, fairly small, oval E-W.  Largest and brightest in Abell
1656 = Coma I.  N4874 lies 7' W and several companions are near.

N4895A = Z160-245 = Goodwin #359
13 00 09.1 +28 10 13
V = 15.0;  Size 0.6x0.3;  PA = 95d

17.5": extremely faint and small, round.  Forms a pair with N4895 2.7' NE.
Located just N of the central core of Abell 1656.

IC4021 = M+05-31-080 = Z160-246
13 00 14.8 +28 02 28
V = 14.8;  Size 0.4x0.4;  SB = 12.9

17.5": extremely faint and small, round.  Located 4.1' NNE of N4889 in the
core of Abell 1656 and similar to IC 4026 1.6' ENE.

N4894 = Z160-247
13 00 16.5 +27 58 03
V = 15.2;  Size 0.5x0.1;  PA = 35d

17.5": located in the core of Abell 1656 just 1.9' SE of N4889.  Extremely
faint, very small, round.  Forms a very close pair with N4898 45" SE.  This
is the third of four on line with N4889 and N4886 to the NE.

N4898 = M+05-31-082 = Z160-248
13 00 17.8 +27 57 20
V = 13.5;  Size 0.4x0.3

17.5": located in the central core of Abell 1656 cluster 2.5' SE of brightest
member N4889.  Faint, very small, slightly elongated.  This is the last of
four on a line with N4894 just 45" NW, N4889 2.5' NW and N4886 3.5' NW.

13": faint, small, slightly elongated.  Located 3' SE N4889 in Abell 1656.

N4895 = U08113 = M+05-31-081 = Z160-249
13 00 17.9 +28 12 08
V = 13.2;  Size 1.8x0.6;  SB = 13.2;  PA = 153d

17.5": fairly faint, fairly small, very elongated 3:1 NW-SE.  Nearby
companions are N4881 5.2' NW and N4895A 2.7' SW.  Located just N of the
central core of Abell 1656 and 14' N of N4889.

IC4026 = Z160-250
13 00 22.1 +28 02 49
V = 14.6;  Size 0.3x0.3

17.5": located in the core of Abell 1656 and form a pair with IC 4021 1.6'
WSW.  Extremely faint and small, round.

CGCG 160-251
13 00 35.6 +28 08 46
V = 15.0

17.5": very faint, very small, very elongated NNW-SSE.  A mag 14.5 star is at
the south end.  Located 3' WSW of N4907 within Abell 1656.

IC4040 = M+05-31-085 = Z160-252
13 00 37.9 +28 03 27
V = 14.8;  Size 0.7x0.3;  SB = 13.2;  PA = 160d

17.5": very faint, small, elongated NNW-SSE.  Located in the core of Abell
1656 6.9' NE of N4889.with IC 4045 3.1' NE and N4908 3.1' ESE.

N4906 = Z160-253
13 00 39.7 +27 55 26
V = 14.1;  Size 0.5x0.5

17.5": very faint, very small, round.  A mag 14 star is just 25" W of center.
Located 7.6' SE of N4889 in the core of Abell 1656.  IC 4041 lies 4.4' due N
and IC 4042 2.9' NE.

IC4041 = M+05-31-086 = Z160-254
13 00 40.9 +27 59 47
V = 14.3;  Size 0.7x0.7;  SB = 13.4

17.5": extremely faint and small, round.  Located in the core of Abell 1656
7.3' ENE of N4889.  Nearby galaxies include IC 4042 1.6' SSE and IC 4051 2.9'

IC4042 = Z160-255 = M+05-31-086
13 00 42.8 +27 58 16
V = 14.3;  Size 0.5

17.5": very faint, extremely small, round.  Located in the core of Abell 1656
7.6' E of N4889.  Nearby galaxies include IC 4051 3.2' NE and IC 4041 1.6'

IC4045 = M+05-31-088
13 00 48.7 +28 05 26
V = 13.9;  Size 0.8x0.5;  SB = 12.9

17.5": very faint, extremely small, slightly elongated, very small bright
core.  Located in the central region of Abell 1656 with N4907 5' N, IC 4040
3' SW and N4908 3' SSE.

N4907 = M+05-31-089 = Z160-257
13 00 48.8 +28 09 29
V = 13.6;  Size 1.1x1.0;  SB = 13.5

17.5": faint, small, slightly elongated SSW-NNE, even surface brightness.  A
mag 13 star is just off the S end.  Nearby galaxies include CGCG 160-251 3'
WSW and IC 4045 5' S.  Located NE of the central core of Abell 1656.

N4908 = M+05-31-090 = Z160-258
13 00 51.5 +28 02 34
V = 13.6;  Size 1.0x0.9;  SB = 13.6

17.5": located on the E side of the core of Abell 1656.  Faint, small,
slightly elongated.  A mag 15 star is attached at the NW edge.  Nearby
cluster galaxies incude IC 4045 3' NNW, IC 4051 2.2' SSE and IC 4040 3' WNW.

IC4051 = U08129 = M+05-31-090
13 00 54.55 +28 00 25.1
V = 13.2;  Size 1.0x0.9;  SB = 13.0

17.5": faint, small, slightly elongated, small bright core.  Located in the
central region of Abell 1656 with N4908 2.5' N and IC 4042 2.5' SW.

N4911 = U08128 = M+05-31-093 = Z160-260
13 00 56.1 +27 47 27
V = 12.8;  Size 1.4x1.3;  SB = 13.3

17.5": fairly faint, fairly small, oval WNW-ESE, weak concentration.  A mag
12 star is 2' NW.  Forms a close double with the very faint galaxy
M+05-31-094 at the SW edge.

13": faint, small, round.  A mag 13 star is close W.  First of three in the
field.  Located 18' SE of core of Abell 1656.

CGCG 160-261 = Goodwin #186
13 00 59.3 +27 53 59
V = 14.7

17.5": extremely faint and small, averted vision only.  Located on a line
between N4906 4' W and N4921 6' E within Abell 1656.

M+05-31-096 = Z160-092
13 01 09.2 +27 49 05
V = 15.1;  Size 0.2

17.5": extremely faint and small.  Located 1.9' WNW of N4919 in Abell 1656.
In a tight trio with Z160-093 1.0' S.

M+05-31-094 = Z160-093
13 01 10.7 +27 48 10
V = 15.1

17.5": extremely faint and small.  A mag 15.5 star is close north.  This
member of Abell 1656 is located 1.6' W of N4919.  Nearby are M+05-31-096 =
Z160-092 1.0' NNW and N4911 3.3' WSW.

N4919 = U08133 = M+05-31-097 = Z160-094
13 01 17.6 +27 48 32
V = 14.1;  Size 1.1x0.7;  SB = 13.6;  PA = 140d

17.5": situated between N4911 4.8' WSW and N4921 5.1' NNE within Abell 1656.
Very faint, very small, elongated NW-SE.  In a close trio with Z160-093 1.6'
W and M+05-31-096 1.9' WNW.

13": very faint, second of three with N4911/4921.  Located in the core of
Abell 1656.

N4921 = U08134 = M+05-31-098 = Z160-095
13 01 26.1 +27 53 09
V = 12.2;  Size 2.5x2.2;  SB = 13.8;  PA = 165d

17.5": fairly faint, fairly small, bright core, large low surface brightness
halo surrounded core.  This is one of the brighter members of Abell 1656 but
it appears fainter than the integrated V magnitude suggests.  Nearby are
N4923 2.7' SSE and N4919 5.1' SSW.

13": fairly faint, fairly small, round, 3rd of 3, Abell 1656.

N4923 = M+05-31-101 = Z160-097
13 01 31.8 +27 50 51
V = 13.7;  Size 0.8x0.8;  SB = 13.1

17.5": very faint, very small, round, weak concentration.  Forms a trio with
brighter N4921 2.7' NNW and N4919 is 3.9' SW.  Located within Abell 1656.

CGCG 160-101 = Goodwin #94
13 01 47.0 +28 05 42
V = 14.1

17.5": very faint, small, elongated E-W, low surface brightness.  A mag 15
star is involved at the W edge.  N4927 lies 6' SSE.  Member of Abell 1656.

N4926 = U08142 = M+05-31-103 = Z160-103
13 01 53.7 +27 37 28
V = 13.0;  Size 1.2x1.1;  SB = 13.1

13": faint, small, round.  Located 17' SSE of N4921 and 16' SE of N4911 in
Abell 1656.

N4927 = M+05-31-104 = Z160-105
13 01 57.5 +28 00 20
V = 13.7;  Size 0.6x0.4;  PA = 10d

17.5": very faint, very small, slightly elongated N-S, very small bright
core.  A mag 15 star is at the N edge 25" from center and a mag 13 star is
1.4' NE.  CGCG 160-101 lies 6' NNW.  Located 24' E of N4889 in Abell 1656.

CGCG 160-104 = PGC 44947
13 02 00.1 +27 46 58
Size 0.6x0.3

17.5": extremely faint, very small, round, 15" diameter, requires averted
vision.  Located 2.9' SW of a mag 11 star and 10' SE of N4921 within Abell

CGCG 160-110 = PGC 45003
13 02 21.5 +28 13 50
V = 14.1;  Size 0.5x0.2

17.5": very faint, very small, round, 15" diameter, no other details visible.
Situated 52" NE of a mag 14 star.  Located in the NE section of Abell 1656
with fainter members CGCG 160-111 and M+05-31-108 not seen.

N4929 = M+05-31-111 = Z160-113
13 02 44.4 +28 02 43
V = 13.4;  Size 1.0x1.0;  SB = 13.5

17.5": faint, small, roundish, 25"x20", even surface brightness.  Located 1'
following a mag 13.5 star within Abell 1656.  N4931 lies 3.7' ESE and N4934
7.1' ESE.

CGCG 160-115 = PGC 45032
13 02 52.7 +27 51 59
V = 14.3;  Size 0.75x0.6

17.5": very faint, very small, slightly elongated 0.4'x0.3'.  Located between
a mag 12 star 1' NNW and a mag 12 star 2' S within Abell 1656.

N4931 = U08154 = M+05-31-114 = Z160-118
13 03 00.8 +28 01 56
V = 13.5;  Size 1.7x0.7;  SB = 13.4;  PA = 78d

17.5": fairly faint, fairly small, very elongated 3:1 ~E-W, 0.5'x0.15'.
Contains a small bright core which occasionally appears stellar.  A mag 13.5
star lies 1.6' NE.  Situated nearly at the midpoint of N4927 3.7' WNW and
N4934 3.4' E within Abell 1656.

Discovered by d'Arrest.  His position matches U08154 = M+05-31-114 =
Z160-118.  The RA is incorrect in the RNGC and the galaxy is misplotted on
the U2000.

N4934 = U08160 = M+05-31-115 = Z160-120
13 03 16.3 +28 01 48
V = 14.4;  Size 1.0x0.2;  SB = 12.5;  PA = 104d

17.5": faint, small, very elongated 4:1 WNW-ESE, 0.4'x0.1', low even surface
brightness.  Slightly smaller and fainter than N4931 3.4' W.   Third of three
on a line with N4929 7' WNW within Abell 1656.

N4943 = Z160-122
13 03 44.9 +28 05 03
V = 14.6;  Size 0.5x0.3;  PA = 100d

17.5": very faint, very small, round, just 15" diameter, low surface
brightness.  This faint member of Abell 1656 is situated 6' S of N4944.

N4944 = U08167 = M+05-31-118 = Z160-124
13 03 49.9 +28 11 08
V = 12.9;  Size 1.7x0.6;  SB = 12.7;  PA = 89d

17.5": fairly faint, fairly small, elongated 5:2 E-W, 1.0'x0.4', very small
bright core.  Situated between two mag 11 stars 2' NE and 4' SW with N4943 6'
S.  This is one of the brighter members of Abell 1656.