Arp Sampler 3

ARP 266 (NGC 4861)
Galaxy with Irregular Clumps in Canes Venaticii

N4861 = U08098 = M+06-29-003 = Z189-005 = Arp 266 = Mrk 59 = 1 ZW 49 = IC 3961
13: faint, very elongated SSW-NNE, even low surface brightness. Located between two mag 12 stars at low power. This "star" is slightly nebulous at 166x and a definite nonstellar knot is visible at 312x. This HII region is identified as N4861 (and the galaxy as IC 3961) in UGC and CGCG. This is one of the few extragalatic HII regions which responds to OIII filtration.

ARP 269 (NGC 4485/90)
The Cocoon
Double Galaxy with Connected Arms in Canes Venatici

N4485 = U07648 = M+07-26-013 = Z216-007 = Arp 269 = VV 30
13: moderately bright, fairly small, brighter core, elongated SSW-NNE. Forms a fascinating interacting pair with N4490 3.6' SSE of center. Located 30' NW of Beta Canum Venaticorum (V = 4.3).

N4490 = U07651 = M+07-26-014 = Z216-008 = Cocoon Galaxy = VV 30 = 3C 272
13: very bright, striking, elongated 2:1 NW-SE, 6'x3', large bright core is elongated and grainy. A faint arm extends from the NW end in the direction of N4485 3.6' NNW, a small extension (arm) at the SE end is suspected.

ARP 270 (NGC3395/96)
Double Galaxy with Connected Arms in Leo Minor

N3395 = U05931 = M+06-24-017 = Z184-018 = Arp 270 = VV 246 = IC 2605
17.5: fairly bright, elongated 2:1 SSW-NNE, 1.5'x0.8', fairly high surface brightness, broadly concentrated halo, core appears rounder, no nucleus, mottled texture. This galaxy is slightly larger and brighter of a striking interacting pair almost in contact with N3396 at the NNE end 1.6' from center.

N3396 = U05935 = M+06-24-018 = Z184-019 = Arp 270 = VV 246
17.5: forms a prominent double system with N3395 almost attached just S of the W end! Moderately bright, very elongated 3:1 WNW-ESE, 1.0'x0.3', brighter along the major axis, sharply concentrated with a high surface brightness core.

ARP 271 (NGC 5426/27)
Double Galaxy with Connected Arms in Virgo

N5426 = M-01-36-004 = Arp 271 = VV 21
13: faint, small, slightly elongated N-S, small faint nucleus. Forms a close interesting pair with N5427 2.3' N. A mag 13.5 star is 0.9' NNE of center directly between the two galaxies.

N5427 = M-01-36-003 = Arp 271 = VV 21
13: fairly faint, moderately large, slightly elongated, very diffuse with an almost even surface brightness. Forms a pair with N5426 2.3' S.

ARP 281 (NGC 4627/31)
The Club
Double Galaxy with Infall & Attraction in Canes Venatici

N4627 = U07860 = M+06-28-019 = Z188-015
13: faint, small, slightly elongated SSW-NNE. Located 2.6' NW of the center of the remarkable galaxy N4631 and is completely overshadowed by its beauty.

N4631 = U07865 = M+06-28-020 = Z188-016 = Arp 281
13: stunning galaxy, very bright, unusually large and interesting edge-on E-W, 15'x1.5'. A bright knot is E of the core and a faint knot is W of core. Appears very mottled along the major axis. A mag 13 star is just N of the core. A companion system N4627 lies 2.6' NW of the center.

ARP 313 (NGC 3991/94/95)
Group of Galaxies in Ursa Major

N3991 = U06933 = M+06-26-060 = Z186-073 = Ho 309c
17.5: moderately bright, fairly small, edge-on SSW-NNE, 1.0'x0.3'. This object has a bright stellar knot at the NNE end (about 25" from the center) giving an unusual asymmetric appearance! First of three striking elongated systems with N3994 3.7' SSE and N3995 3.9' SE.

N3994 = U06936 = M+06-26-059 = Z186-074 = Arp 313 = VV 249 = Ho 309b
17.5: moderately bright, small, elongated 2:1 SSW-NNE, prominent core. Second of three elongated system with N3991 3.8' NNW and N3995 1.8' NE. Located 5' WNW of mag 6.4 SAO 62774.

N3995 = U06944 = M+06-26-061 = Z186-075 = Arp 313 = VV 249 = Ho 309a
17.5: moderately bright, moderately large, elongated 5:2 SW-NE, large bright core. Third and largest of an excellent trio with N3994 1.8' SW and N3991 3.8' NW. Located 6.6' W of mag 6.4 SAO 62774.