Hickson 30 in Eridanus

30a MCG+00-12-051 1.2X0.8 12.6 12.4
30b MCG+00-12-054 1.1X0.9 13.2 13.1
30c PGC 15624 0.6X0.4 14.7 na
30d PGC 15636 0.6X0.3 15.2 na

Hickson 30a appears fairly faint, elongated 5:3 NW-SE, 1.0°x0.6°, brighter core. Located 40" NW of a mag 11 star. Hickson 30b appears similar to 30a located 3.6° NW (just slightly fainter and similar dimensions). Faint, elongated 5:3 SSW-NNE, 0.9°x0.5°. A mag 12 star lies 1.3° S (nearly collinear with the major axis). An easy mag 13-14 triple staar (sep 15" and 28") lies 2° following. Hickson 30c was a threshhold object at 220x. No details visible but appeared extremely round, 10" diameter. Hickson 30d was only suspected a couple of times 2° NE of 30b. - Steve Gottlieb