Hickson 42 in Hydra

42a NGC 3091 3.0X1.9 11.1 13.0
42b NGC 3096 1.0X0.8 13.4 13.0
42c MCG-03-26-006 0.4X0.4 13.2 11.1
42d PGC 28926 0.5X0.3 15.2
Hickson 42 in Hydra lies about 6 degrees west of the bright planetary NGC 3242 ("Ghost of Jupiter"). The galaxy group is dominated by the 11th magnitude elliptical, NGC 3091, that contains a compact luminous core and is visible in 6" scopes. See if you can spot a 14 magnitude "star" close off the northwest edge. This object is the compact galaxy 42c and on deep exposures appears embedded in the halo of NGC 3091. A third member, NGC 3096 (42b), is a faint 14th magnitude glow about 5' southeast of NGC 3091. - Steve Gottlieb