Hickson 88 in Aquarius

88a NGC 6978 1.5X0.7 13.3 13.2
88b NGC 6977 1.2X0.9 13.2 13.2
88c NGC 6976 1.3X1.1 14.0 14.2
88d MCG-01-53-014 1.1X0.2 14.8 13.2

This group has a linear trio of NGC galaxies and a very faint edge-on ("D"). The brightest member NGC 6978 appeared fairly faint, fairly small, bright core, elongated 2:1 NW-SE. Farthest NE of three on a line with N6977 2.5' SW ("B") and N6976 ("C") 4.3' SW. The "B" member is very faint, fairly small, round, diffuse with an even surface brightness. The faintest NGC member "C" is extremely faint, very small, round, very diffuse. the "D" component was glimpsed in Ray's scope. - Steve Gottlieb