Hickson 99 in Pegasus

99a UGC 12897 1.1X0.4 13.9 12.9
99b UGC 12899 1.0X0.9 13.7 13.4
99c MCG+05-01-021 0.8X0.4 14.7 13.4
99d PGC 60 0.5X0.3 16.2 na
99e PGC 57 0.3X0.2 16.7 na

Hickson 99A = U12897
00 00 37.9 +28 23 04
1.1x0.4 13.9V

17.5: Hickson 99a is the second brightest in a close trio. Appears very faint, very small, round - only the core was initially viewed. Located very close N of a mag 12 star [24" to center] which detracts from viewing. At moments very faint extensions are visible oriented N-S, ~20"x10", possibly reaching to the nearby star. Hickson 99c = M+05-01-021 lies 1.7' NE and Hickson 99b = U12899 lies 2.2' NE

Hickson 99B = U12899
00 00 46.9 +28 24 07
1.0x0.9 13.7V

17.5: Hickson 99b is the brightest of a faint and close trio. Appeared faint, very small, round, 0.4' diameter. Contains a very small brighter core with a fainter halo. Forms a very close pair with the "C" component just 0.6' W of center. The "A member (U12897) lies 2.2' SE adjacent to a mag 11.5-12 star.

Hickson 99C = M+05-01-021
00 00 44.1 +28 24 05
0.8x0.4 14.7V

17.5: faintest of three in the Hickson 99 group, this difficult galaxy required averted vision to glimpse a barely nonstellar spot (only core seen) 0.6' W of Hickson 99b. No details were visible and appeared no larger than 10" in diameter.