Golden State Star Party General Observing List

by Steve Gottlieb

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Name Type RA Dec Size VMag Con
NGC 7814 GX-Sab 00 03.3 +16 09 5.5x2.3 10.6 Peg
bright edge-on with dust lane
NGC 281 C+N 00 52.8 +56 37 35x30 Cas
complex glow with a handful of *s
NGC 404 GX-E0 01 09.4 +35 43 3.5x3.5 10.3 And
bright elliptical located 7' NW of Beta Andromedae
NGC 457 OC 01 19.6 +58 17 13 6.4 Cas
beautiful bird-shaped ("ET") cluster including mag 5 Phi Cas
NGC 654 OC 01 44.0 +61 53 5 6.5 Cas
rich in faint stars
NGC 663 OC 01 46.3 +61 13 16 7.1 Cas
rich cluster with several doubles
NGC 869 OC 02 19.1 +57 08 30 3.5 Per
western member of naked-eye Double Cluster with NGC 884
NGC 4111 GX-S0 12 07.0 +43 04 4.6x1.0 10.7 CVn
pretty edge-on with a prominent core
NGC 4214 GX-Im 12 15.7 +36 20 8.5x6.6 9.8 CVn
large galaxy with hints of structure
NGC 4449 GX-IBm 12 28.2 +44 06 6.2x4.4 9.6 CVn
large, bright irregular galaxy
NGC 4490 GX-SBcdp 12 30.6 +41 38 6.3x3.1 9.8 CVn
Cocoon Galaxy, striking elongated galaxy with spiral structure
NGC 4605 GX-SBcp 12 40.0 +61 37 5.8x2.2 10.3 UMa
very elongated, bright spiral
NGC 4631 GX-SBm 12 42.1 +32 32 15.5x2.7 9.2 CVn
stunning edge-on with a very mottled appearance and close companion NGC 4627
NGC 4656 GX-SBmp 12 44.0 +32 10 15.1x3.0 10.5 CVn
striking galaxy merges with NGC 4657-appears like a celestial hockey stick!
NGC 5005 GX-Sbc 13 10.9 +37 03 5.8x2.8 9.8 CVn
large, bright oval with an elliptical core
NGC 5248 GX-Sbc 13 37.5 +08 53 6.2x4.5 10.3 Boo
fairly large with a well-defined core
NGC 5322 GX-E3 13 49.3 +60 11 5.9x3.9 10.2 UMa
bright elliptical with a striking core
NGC 5353 GX-E5 13 53.4 +40 17 2.2x1.1 11 CVn
brightest in a group of 5 galaxies
NGC 5371 GX-Sbc 13 55.7 +40 28 4.4x3.5 10.6 CVn
located 25' ENE of the NGC 5353 group
NGC 5363 GX-Ir 13 56.1 +05 15 4.1x2.6 10.1 Vir
prominent elliptical with a strong core, brightest in a large group
NGC 5466 GC 14 05.5 +28 32 9 9 Boo
low surface brightness globular with faint stars
NGC 5746 GX-Sb 14 44.9 +01 57 7.4x1.3 10.3 Vir
large, beautiful edge-on with hint of a dust lane
NGC 5866 GX-E6p 15 06.5 +55 46 4.7x1.9 9.9 Dra
very bright with a bulging core and razor-thin dust lane, often taken for M102
NGC 5846 GX-E0 15 06.5 +01 36 4.1x3.8 10 Vir
bright elliptical 40' E of 110 Virginis
NGC 5985 GX-Sb 15 39.6 +59 20 5.5x3.0 11.1 Dra
trio with NGC 5981 and NGC 5982
NGC 5907 GX-Sc 15 15.9 +56 20 12.6x1.4 10.3 Dra
extremely large narrow streak
NGC 6210 PN 16 44.5 +23 48 16" 8.8 Her
unusually high surface brightness planetary with bluish color
NGC 6229 GC 16 47.0 +47 32 4.2 9.4 Her
compact and bright but requires large aperture to resolve
NGC 6302 PN 17 13.7 -37 06 45" 9.7 Sco
Bug Nebula, unusual elongated planetary cut by dark lane
NGC 6309 PN 17 14.1 -12 55 16" 11.5 Oph
Box Nebula, small but irregular planetary
NGC 6369 PN 17 29.3 -23 46 38" 11.5 Oph
beautiful annular ring planetary
IC 4665 OC 17 46.3 +05 43 41 4.2 Oph
naked-eye cluster, resolved in binoculars
NGC 6445 PN 17 49.3 -20 01 33" 10.9 Sgr
small but bright planetary in field with globular cluster NGC 6440 20' SSW
NGC 6503 GX-Sc 17 49.5 +70 09 7.1x2.4 10.2 Dra
large, elongated spiral with a fairly high surface brightness
NGC 6543 PN 17 58.6 +66 38 20" 8.1 Dra
Cat's Eye Nebula, small high surface brightness oval planetary
B86 DN 18 02.7 -27 50 4.5x3.0 Sgr
stunning dark splotch just west of the very rich cluster NGC 6520
NGC 6520 OC 18 03.4 -27 54 6 Sgr
very rich cluster set in a glorious field with dark nebula B86 on W side
NGC 6522 GC 18 03.6 -30 02 5.6 8.5 Sgr
Pair with NGC 6528 15' E in "Baade's Window"
NGC 6572 PN 18 12.1 +06 51 11" 8 Oph
very high surface brightness planetary with a bluish color
B92 DN 18 15.5 -18 11 12x6 Sgr
large, dark cloud form a similar pair with B93 about 25' E
NGC 6603 OC 18 18.4 -18 25 5 Sgr
beautifully rich compact cluster set in the NE corner of M24
NGC 6633 OC 18 27.7 +06 34 27 4.6 Oph
large and bright cluster but scattered, naked-eye in dark sky
NGC 6645 OC 18 32.6 -16 54 10 Sgr
striking rich cluster of faint stars with a hole in center
IC 4756 OC 18 39.0 +05 27 52 Ser
unusually large naked-eye cluster, use lowest power
NGC 6709 OC 18 51.5 +10 21 13 6.7 Aql
approx 70 *s in 20' field, use low x
NGC 6712 GC 18 53.1 -08 42 7.2 8.2 Sct
irregular outline, require high power to resolve, planetary IC 1295 lies 24' ESE.
NGC 6723 GC 18 59.6 -36 38 11 7.3 Sgr
large, well resolved globular in field with bright nebula NGC 6726 and NGC 6727
NGC 6781 PN 19 18.4 +06 33 108" 11.6 Aql
large, annular planetary
Cr 399 OC 19 25.4 +20 11 60 3.6 Vul
Coat Hanger or Brocchi's cluster, naked-eye cluster, best in binoc's
NGC 6811 OC 19 38.2 +46 34 13 6.8 Cyg
fairly large, rich group in milky way
B142 DN 19 40.7 +10 37 80x50 Aql
well-defined dark nebula forming a large dark "E" with B143
NGC 6819 OC 19 41.3 +40 11 5 7.3 Cyg
rich group with 2 intersecting strings in milky way star field
NGC 6818 PN 19 44.0 -14 09 20" 9.4 Sgr
Little Gem, small, high surface brightness, bluish planetary
NGC 6826 PN 19 44.8 +50 31 25" 8.9 Cyg
Blinking planetary, alternately view disc and mag 10 central star
NGC 6857 EN 20 01.8 +33 32 1 Cyg
compact HII region surrounded by 4 stars and set in a rich field
NGC 6866 OC 20 03.7 +44 00 7 7.6 Cyg
rich and appealing cluster with many stars in an elongated string
NGC 6871 OC 20 05.9 +35 47 20 5.2 Cyg
incl two sets of bright multiple *s in rich * field
NGC 6888 EN 20 12.0 +38 21 20x10 Cyg
Crescent nebula, very large egg-shaped annulus of neb'y, use filter
NGC 6891 PN 20 15.2 +12 42 15" 10.4 Del
small, high surface brightness bluish oval
NGC 6905 PN 20 22.4 +20 07 40" 10.9 Del
Blue Flash Nebula, slightly elongated with a uniform brightness
NGC 6910 OC 20 23.1 +40 47 8 7.4 Cyg
two mag 7.5 *s in cluster, 40' NNE of Gamma Cyg
NGC 6907 GX-SBbc 20 25.1 -24 48 3.3x2.7 11.2 Cap
barred spiral reveals arms in larger scopes (currently hosts a supernova)
NGC 6939 OC 20 31.4 +60 38 8 7.8 Cep
beautiful cluster, rich in faint stars with galaxy N6946 40' SE
NGC 6934 GC 20 34.2 +07 24 7 8.9 Del
compact globular, mottled in 20cm but well resolved in 40cm
NGC 6940 OC 20 34.6 +28 18 31 6.3 Vul
rich star field including the orange variable star FG Vulpeculae
NGC 6946 GX-Sc 20 34.9 +60 09 11.5x9.8 8.8 Cep
large but low surface brightness galaxy with spiral arms in large scopes
NGC 6960 SNR 20 45.7 +30 43 70x6 Cyg
western branch of the remarkable Veil Nebula passing through 52 Cygni, use low x and filter
NGC 6992 SNR 20 56.4 +31 43 60x8 Cyg
Veil Nebula, extremely large, fantastic filamentary structure in dark skies, use filter
NGC 7000 EN 20 58.8 +44 20 120x100 Cyg
North American Nebula, excellent in dark skies with low power and filter
NGC 7023 RN 21 00.5 +68 10 18x18 Cep
large unusual nebulosity surrounding a mag 7 star
NGC 7008 PN 21 00.6 +54 33 86" 11 Cyg
bright annular planetary with unusual structure and faint stars involved
NGC 7009 PN 21 04.2 -11 22 29" 7.8 Aqr
Saturn Nebula, small but very bright with faint ansae using large scopes
NGC 7026 PN 21 06.3 +47 51 20" 10.9 Cyg
small but with double condensations at high power
NGC 7027 PN 21 07.1 +42 14 14" 8.5 Cyg
unusually high surface brightness planetary with double lobe structure
NGC 7039 OC 21 11.2 +45 39 25 7.6 Cyg
large, triangular group in excellent low-x field
NGC 7129 C+N 21 43.0 +66 06 8x7 Cep
small group of stars in nebulosity
NGC 7160 OC 21 53.7 +62 36 7 6.1 Cep
approx 30 *s incl two 7-8th mag & several pairs
NGC 7209 OC 22 05.2 +46 30 25 6.7 Lac
large, fairly rich and uniform
NGC 7217 GX-Sab 22 07.9 +31 22 3.9x3.2 10.1 Peg
round elliptical with a bright core
NGC 7243 OC 22 15.3 +49 53 21 6.4 Lac
excellent low power field, incudes double star ∑2890
NGC 7293 PN 22 29.6 -20 50 980" 7.6 Aqr
Helical Nebula, huge annular planetary of low surface brightness, use filter
NGC 7331 GX-Sb 22 37.1 +34 25 10.5x3.7 9.5 Peg
very large, elongated spiral with very faint companions
NGC 7479 GX-SBc 23 05.0 +12 19 4.1x3.1 10.8 Peg
elongated barred spiral, arms visible in large scopes
NGC 7510 OC 23 11.5 +60 34 4 7.9 Cep
striking wedge-shaped cluster
NGC 7635 EN 23 20.7 +61 12 15x8 Cas
Bubble Nebula, unusual HII region located 35' SW of M52
NGC 7662 PN 23 25.9 +42 33 17" 8.3 And
Blue Snowball, very bright with unusually high surf br, annular at high x
NGC 7686 OC 23 30.2 +49 08 15 5.6 And
large, surrounding 6.3 mag *, elongated E-W
NGC 7789 OC 23 57.0 +56 44 16 6.7 Cas
remarkably rich and uniform in faint stars