OR: September 2019 Observing Report from CalStar
This central California star party took place over 4 nights, September 25-28, at Lake San Antonio. Although the site is located in a dark blue light pollution zone transparency seemed a bit off from previous years (perhaps due to nearby developments). Still SQM readings were typically between 21.4-21.5, plenty dark to explore faint fuzzies with my 24-inch f/3.7 Starstructure. The skies were totally clear on the first and last nights, but on the other two a deep marine layer of clouds (3500’) pushed onshore over the coastal mountains and we were clouded out by midnight. My targets included a variety of solar system objects (such as Comet Africano C/2018 W2 and Neptune/Triton) and Milky Way highlights, but mostly focused on small galaxy groups that abound in the Fall skies. Most of the following descriptions were made at 322x or 375x, except for the first field, which required a low power. Next year’s star party will take place on April 23-26th, though there is no sign-up required or star party fees (other than the LSA camping fee) and participants can arrive or
leave outside these dates. Steve Gottlieb
Early on the first evening of the star party I took a look at the remarkable field that includes the showpiece globular cluster These bright reflection nebulae are only 30' from NGC 6723, yet for some reason they were missed by John Herschel during his southern survey from the Cape of Good Hope. A large
aperture is certainly not necessary — the bright pair of NGC 6726/27 was discovered in October 1860 using only a 6.2-inch refractor at the Athens Observatory. NGC 6726/27 both
surround bright stars separated by less than 1’ and each extend 1.5'-2.0' in diameter, merging into a figure 8 shape. NGC 6729, which fans out to the southeast of the erratic variable R CrA (T Tauri type with a range from mag 9.7-13.5), is a variable (reflection) nebula similar to the better known Hubble’s Variable Nebula in Monoceros. And further southeast is one of the best dark nebulae in the sky — Bernes 157. Using my 13mm Ethos, there wasn’t a single star visible in the field — an area as the full moon. Scanning even further southeast the sky was eerily vacant. A number of highly obscured, young pre-main sequence stars (< 1 million years old) and Herbie-Haro (HH) objects have been discovered in this dust cloud in the infrared. A 1984 survey detected a cluster, dubbed “The Coronet”, which is so obscured by dust it is only visible in the infrared. There are roughly 55 known members including several brown dwarf candidates. ![]()
NGC 6928 is the brightest member of a galaxy group in Delphinus at a distance of 150 to 200 million light years - not your usual go to location for galaxies. The
brightest three galaxies form a nice trio in a rich star field including a mag 8.6 star 4’ SSW. NGC 6928 is visible in a 8” scope — my first observation was through a C-8 on Mt.
Hamilton 36 years ago! A 10” scope will add Visually NGC 6928 appeared moderately bright, elongated 4:1 WNW-ESE, ~1.2’x0.3’ with a noticeably brighter core. A mag 13.5 star hugs the north edge near the center. Perhaps the
most interesting target, though, is NGC 6930. It was moderately faint, very thin edge-on, ~50”x10” with a slightly brighter core. A mag 15.5 star is barely off the south tip. Right
at the north tip is
This is the 5th time I’ve observed the NGC 6962 group (WBL 666) — the first look was in 1984 using a 13.1-inch Coulter Odyssey I. The group also includes The bright spiral NGC 6962 is interesting -- I initially noticed only the central region at 375x, calling it "moderately large, slightly elongated ~E-W, sharply concentrated with a very bright core, ~40" diameter, with an intense nucleus.” But lowering the power to 200x, I noticed a very large, low surface brightness halo, extending ~2.5’ diameter with a mag 14.5 is at the west edge (1.4' from center) and a similar star 1.7' east of center. Two known supernovae have popped off in NGC 6962 — SN 2002ha (type Ia), which reached mag 14.6, and 2003dt (type Ia). The progenitor star in both cases was a white dwarf in a binary system. Spindle-shaped NGC 6959 was easily visible extending ~0.7’x0.3’ with a slightly brighter core. It has a close companion —
MAC 2-123 and MAC 2-203 are a pair of type A2 Ia and A3 Ia supergiants within M31. At mag 16.3 they are possibly the brightest individual stars in M31 in the V band! Various papers report V magnitudes between 16.2 and 16.5. The two stars are separated by only 52”, so they essentially form a wide pair within an OB association (A48). At 375x, the stars were noticed almost immediately near the edge of visibility using a Megastar chart. Once I knew their exact location just north of a line (see photo) connecting two mag 12.3 and 13.1 stars separated by 5.8' NW-SE, I could barely hold the stars continuously using careful averted vision. I believe MAC 2-123 was slightly easier to see. Of course, visually, they’re nothing more than dim specks, but knowing their distance is 2.5 million light years — well, that’s pretty amazing! The two stars are included in the 1994 paper "Spectroscopic observations of AB-supergiants in M31 and
This boring looking elliptical was targeted due to its confirmed redshift of z = .1375, which implies a light-travel time of 1.75 billion years! At 375x it was just an extremely faint and small smudge that only occasionally popped. The exact position was aided by a mag 15.7 stellar “signpost” only 20” NE (the faint blue star on this SDSS image). It was too faint to really estimate a size, but seemed nearly stellar. This galaxy can be found 1° northwest of Hickson Compact Groups are scattered across the Fall skies and I looked at
HCG 88 consists of a nearly linear quartet of spirals in Aquarius, about 4° north of 3.8-magnitude Epsilon Aquarii. The group lies at a distance of 260-270 million
light years and includes two additional fainter members (one is a very dim galaxy to the lower right of Based on this SDSS image the spirals look unperturbed and quite regular in structure. But deeper images shows that HCG 88A was moderately bright and large, very elongated 3:1 NW-SE, ~1.1’x0.35’. It was brighter along the central axis and contained a small bright core. A mag
14.8 star lies 1.3' SSW, halfway to ![]()
I caught just a hint of these spiral arms as brighter arcs on the outside of the central region, but nothing of the thin stretched extensions. I’ve looked at HCG 93 a total of 7 times since 1989, mostly through my old 18-inch, and it’s one of the easier (relatively) quintets. Surprisingly, William Herschel only found the single galaxy NGC 7550, which has the highest surface brightness. I logged the central region as "strongly concentrated with a very bright, prominent core that increased to a sharp stellar nucleus.” John Herschel added its companion NGC 7547, but the other three galaxies were discovered through Lord Rosse’s 72-inch in Ireland and William Lassell’s 48-inch equatorial reflector (both speculum mirrors) on the island of Malta.
Finally, I previously had observed the brightest 4 galaxies through my 18”, but this was my first successful sighting of One of the criteria to qualify as a compact group is isolation — the nearest non-member is supposed to be at least at least three times further separated than the
radius of the group. In the case of the HCG 97 there are a pair of galaxies — |