Hickson 15 in Cetus

15a UGC 1624 1.1X0.5 13.7 13.0
15b UGC 1617 0.8X0.7 14.0 13.2
15c UGC 1620 0.8X0.8 13.6 13.0
15d UGC 1618 0.9X0.8 14.3 13.7
15e MCG+00-06-033 0.3X0.3 14.8 11.8
15f MCG+00-06-036 0.6X0.3 15.1 na

Five of the six members of Hickson 15 were visible at 280x. The "A" component was faint, elongated 3:2 NW-SE, 35"x25", weak concentration. Forms the N vertex of a triangle with two mag 13 stars 1.2' S and 1.8' SSW. Hickson 15B lies 5.7' SW and appeared faint, round, 30" diameter, weak even concentration to a faint, nearly stellar nucleus. Interestingly, the "C" component was probably the brightest of five viewed although this object was still a faint, small spot of 40" diameter. Hickson 15D was a difficult object appearing extremely faint, round, 20" diameter and situated 25" SE of a mag 14.5-15 star. This was the faintest of five viewed and it lies 1.9' NNW of Hickson 15c (brightest component?). The final member, 15E, was very faint, round, 20" diameter and the second faintest in the quintet. Located 1.0' NE of a mag 13.5 star. - Steve Gottlieb