Hickson 58 in Leo

58a NGC 3822 1.4X0.8 13.1 13.1
58b NGC 3825 1.3X1.0 13.0 13.2
58c NGC 3817 1.0X0.9 13.3 13.1
58d NGC 3819 0.8X0.7 13.8 13.0
58e NGC 3820 0.7X0.4 14.5 13.0

Except for NGC 3820 ("E"), this is a pretty easy quintet on the Leo-Virgo border. The brighter member, NGC 3822 is fairly faint, small, oval N-S, with a brighter core. N3825 ("B") is situated 3.2' ESE and appears fairly faint, very small, round, small bright core, stellar nucleus. Returning to NGC 3822 and moving 5' WNW brings you to NGC 3817 ("C") which is also fairly faint, fairly small, oval ~E-W, brighter core. A mag 11 star is 2.7' NNW of center.

To the north of NGC 3822 are a pair of galaxies NGC 3819 ("D") and NGC 3820 ("E"). The "D" component is very faint, small, round, with a small bright core and stellar nucleus. Just 2' north is "E" which appears as an extremely faint unconcentrated spot. - Steve Gottlieb