Hickson 62 in Virgo

62a NGC 4778 1.8X1.8 12.5
62b NGC 4776 1.2X1.2 13.0
62c NGC 4761 0.9X0.4 13.8 11.6
62d NGC 4764 0.5X0.3 15.0

Hickson 62 "A" (NGC 4759se = NGC 4778) and "B" (NGC 4759nw = NGC 4776) are an interacting double system with just 28" separation between centers. The NW member ("B") appears faint, very small, slightly elongated N-S with bright core. The slightly larger and brighter companion "A" is attached at the SE end and appears faint, small, slightly elongated E-W, bright core. This pair is located 2' N of mag 9.1 SAO 139019. NGC 4761 ("C") is just 1' ENE and appears very faint, very small, elongated 3:2 N-S, 25"x15". Finally, NGC 4764 ("D") is located 3.5' S of the main double system and 2' S of mag 9.1 SAO 139019. "D" appears extremely faint and small, round, requires averted but once located can hold at least 50% of time. - Steve Gottlieb