Hickson 70 in Canes Venatici

70a UGC 8990 1.2X0.2 15.2 13.8
70b IC 4371 0.9X0.6 14.1 13.3
70c MCG+06-31-065 0.9X0.2 14.2 12.0
70d MCG+06-31-060 0.5X0.3 14.7 na
70e IC 4369 0.4X0.4 15.2 13.2
70f MCG+06-31-057 0.5X0.3 15.7 na
70g PGC 50123 0.2X0.2 15.4 na

Three galaxies were viewed in this group and a fourth suspected. The modern catalogues have misidentified two IC galaxies in this group - IC 4370 and IC 4371 - which were discovered by Javelle. Curiously, Javelle missed the "A" component close south of IC 4370 = "D". The "A" component UGC 8990 appears faint, very small, slightly elongated NW-SE, 20"x10", fairly high surface brightness. I probably only viewed the core of this edge-on. Forms a close pair with IC 4370 = "D" just 30" north. This object was just glimpsed as an extremely faint "star" with averted vision. The brightest and largest member IC 4371 ("B") lies 2' south and appears faint, fairly small, elongated 3:2 SW-NE, 40"x25". Situated midway between the A/D pair 2' north and a mag 10-11 2' south. Finally the "C" component (M+06-31-065:) was only suspected on a couple of occasions but could not confirm sighting with confidence. - Steve Gottlieb