Off the Beaten Path With Steve Gottlieb

Hickson 87

Do you find you're returning to the same group of favorite objects season after season because, well, you're just not sure where else to turn? These pages will introduce you to some interesting targets which are off the beaten path -- and will challenge everyone from beginners to seasoned veterans. Some are accessible to 8-inch scopes in good conditions, but many will tax the observing skill of the 16-inch and larger crowd.

Most of these objects were observed with my 17.5-inch f/4.4 Dobsonian from the Sierra foothills in northern California at a site with an average naked-eye limit of 6.5. Many will require using detailed finder charts to pinpoint the location and for some you'll need a narrow bandpass nebula filter. I typically use wide-field eyepieces yielding 220x-280x on deep sky objects and the DSS images accompanying the descriptions generally have corresponding fields of about 14 x 20 arcminutes.--Steve Gottlieb


Index of Challenge Objects

Abell 4 Early Winter Hind's Variable Nebula Early Winter
Abell 31 Late Winter Integral Sign Galaxy Late Winter
Abell 33 Spring Maffei 1 Early Winter
Abell 72 Autumn Markarian 205 Spring
AGC 539 Late Winter NGC 3 Group Autumn
AGC 2199 Summer NGC 100 Autumn
Arp 2 Summer NGC 2366 Spring
Baade 1 Late Winter NGC 3158 Spring
Cave Nebula (Caldwell) Autumn Palomar 2 Late Winter
Cederblad 62 Late Winter Palomar 12 Autumn
Djorgovski 2 Summer Parsamyan 21 Summer
EGB 1 Autumn Pease 1 Early Winter
Egg Nebula Autumn Pegasus Dwarf Early Winter
Elephant's Trunk Summer Shakhbazian 49 Spring
Fornax Four
(NGC 1049 etc.)
Early Winter Sharpless 2-68 Summer
Frosty Leo Spring Sharpless 2-71 Summer
Hickson 1 Early Winter Taffy Galaxies Autumn
Hickson 22 Late Winter Tombaugh 1 & 2 Late Winter
Hickson 56 Spring UGC 5459 Spring
Hickson 87 Summer na na