Catalogs, Lists and Links

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The Mitchell Anonymous Catalog Field Guide to Observing NGC 6946 M31 Globular Catalog
Abell Galaxy Clusters Galaxy Trios M31 Observing Guide PDF
Abell Planetary Nebulae GSSP Challenge List (summer -html) M33 HII Regions and Star Clouds
Arp Catalog GSSP General List (summer - html) M33 Observing Guide PDF
Astronomical Curiosities book recommendation Harrington 250+ Catalogs from Scott Harrington Off The Deep End (10 challenges)
Barnard Dark Objects Herschel 400-I Shakhbazian Galaxy Groups
Deep Map 600 (Megastar file) Herschel 400-II Sharpless HII Regions
Deep Sky Objects for Binoculars and the Naked-Eye Herschel 2500 Showpiece regions in the LMC
Far Out NGC-IC Hickson Galaxy Clusters The 25 Brightest White Dwarf Stars
Field Guide to M31's Brighest Globular Clusters Lynds Bright Nebulae The Stars Of NGC 206
Veteran astronomer, (late) Albert Highe's website Index of publications by Steve Gottlieb Portland XVII Alt/Az Workshop 2024 flyer PDF
Note: Updated agenda 2024-09-12
Mark Wagner’s observing blog Old observing reports by Ptolemy Supper Club TAC Observing Report Archives
Pease 1 and GJJC 1