Observing Reports

Date Title Author(s)
August 2023
Aug 10/11/12 at McArthur
Steve Gottlieb
July 2023
17 OR (7/17/23): Pickering's Pint-sized Planetaries Steve Gottlieb
August 2022
27 First Light At "Traniquility Base" Mark Wagner
April 2021
14 A Super-Night On 4/15/21 Steve Gottlieb
June 2020
12-16 A couple of nights with Fritz Zwicky Steve Gottlieb
May 2020
20 Spirals Of Spring Steve Gottlieb
January 2020
24 Go Bears! The Berkeley Open Clusters Steve Gottlieb
December 2019
10 Late Fall Observing Report Steve Gottlieb
October 2019
29 Lowrey 48 inch in October Part III Steve Gottlieb
26 Lowrey 48 inch in October Part II Steve Gottlieb
25 Lowrey 48 inch in October Part I Steve Gottlieb
September 2019
25 September 2019 Observing Report from CalStar Steve Gottlieb
January 2019
1 Starting Off The New Year Right! Steve Gottlieb
July 2018
11-15 Golden State Star Party 2019 Steve Gottlieb
February 2018
18 The Eridanus Loop and more Steve Gottlieb
13/15 Lake Sonoma on 2/13 and 2/15 Steve Gottlieb
December 2017
20 Winter Observing At Lake Sonoma Steve Gottlieb
October 2017
15 Observing Adventure in Australia (Part II) Steve Gottlieb
Observing Adventure in Australia (Part I) Steve Gottlieb
March 2017
28 Spring Galaxies including the Hydra I Cluster Steve Gottlieb
December 2016
21/28 Blazers, Seyferts, Double Rings and more. Steve Gottlieb
1 Galaxies both near and far Steve Gottlieb
November 2016
23 Fall Galaxies through a 48-inch! Steve Gottlieb
September 2016
29 Three fine nights at the Calstar Star Party Steve Gottlieb
August 2016
30 Adventures In The White Mountains (Part Two) Steve Gottlieb
30 Adventures In The White Mountains (Part One) Steve Gottlieb
June 2016
6 In Search of Interacting Galaxies Steve Gottlieb
4 A Three Mark Night at Willow Springs Mark Wagner
May 2016
31 Saying farewell to spring galaxies. Steve Gottlieb
January 2016
1 Ringing in the New Year with some deep sky observing! Steve Gottlieb
June 2015
17 Observing in June on the Modoc Plateau (Part III) Steve Gottlieb
16 Observing in June on the Modoc Plateau (Part II) Steve Gottlieb
15 Observing in June on the Modoc Plateau (Part I) Steve Gottlieb
16 June at Deep Sky Ranch II. Mark Wagner
April 2015
16 OR 48 inch Texas part three Steve Gottlieb
16 OR 48 inch Texas part two Steve Gottlieb
16 OR 48 inch Texas part one Steve Gottlieb
Novembert 2014
24 OR Lake Sonoma Steve Gottlieb
August 2014
27 OR Lake Sonoma Steve Gottlieb
23 OR Willow Springs Steve Gottlieb
July 2014
25 Lassen Volcanic National Park Steve Gottlieb
24 Lassen Volcanic National Park Steve Gottlieb
23 Lassen Volcanic National Park Steve Gottlieb
22 Lassen Volcanic National Park Steve Gottlieb
June 2014
27/28 OR from GSSP Steve Gottlieb
May 2014
25 The parade of Spring Trios continues Steve Gottlieb
April 2014
22 Swimming in a sea of Virgo galaxies Steve Gottlieb
20 Triple the fun from Lake Sonoma Steve Gottlieb
March 2014
22 VV 171 and neighbors from Lake Sonoma Steve Gottlieb
February 2014
22 A parade of galaxies last Saturday night Steve Gottlieb
January 2014
31 Three supernovae on one night! Steve Gottlieb
25 "Winter" observing in California Steve Gottlieb
December 2013
28 Resolving the Brightest Star in M33 Steve Gottlieb
1 Interacting Galaxies, Trios and Groups from Lake Sonoma Steve Gottlieb
October 2013
30 Fall observing with the 48-inch Steve Gottlieb
9 CalStar 2013 (Part 2) Steve Gottlieb
9 CalStar 2013 (Part 1) Steve Gottlieb
September 2013
13 Beautiful Night for Abell Planetary and Palomar Globular hunting Steve Gottlieb
August 2013
12 Observing on the Modoc Plateau, 8/5 to 8/7/13 Steve Gottlieb
3 Bright Night Targets at Houge Park Mark Wagner
July 2013
22 Draco Dwarf don't despair Steve Gottlieb
VV interacting galaxies and Zwicky compacts eruptive galaxies Steve Gottlieb
June 2013
9 They're All Planetaries! Mark Wagner
May 2013
11 Triple the fun! - Willow Springs Steve Gottlieb
Willow Springs - May 11th Mark Wagner
April 2013
4 In Heaven with a 48-inch part 3 Steve Gottlieb
In Heaven with a 48-inch part 2 Steve Gottlieb
In Heaven with a 48-inch part 1 Steve Gottlieb
March 2013
19 Triplets on 3/19/12 from Willow Springs Steve Gottlieb
10 A Brief Attempt At Comet PanSTARRS Mark Wagner
February 2013
5 Observing last night at Lake Sonoma Steve Gottlieb
December 2012
3 Drama along the Queensland coast Steve Gottlieb
September 2012
25 OR Fall CalStar Steve Gottlieb
August 2011
28 Pole Dancers Mark Wagner
20 A Tale Of Two Sites - Part 1 Mark Wagner
A Tale Of Two Sites - Part 2 Mark Wagner
A Tale Of Two Sites - Part 3 Mark Wagner
July 2011
16 The 1 billion light-year club Steve Gottlieb
May 2011
3 Lake Sonoma Tuesday night Steve Gottlieb
Heaven and Earth Mark Wagner
2 Viewing with a 48-inch Steve Gottlieb
January 2011
26 Lake Sonoma 1/26/11 Steve Gottlieb
November 2010
20 Observing in Australia Nov 3-9 (part 3) Steve Gottlieb
Observing in Australia Nov 3-9 (part 2) Steve Gottlieb
Observing in Australia Nov 3-9 (part 1) Steve Gottlieb
October 2010
10 10 10 10! A fine night at Willow Springs Mark Wagner
September 2010
16` One of the most curious objects in the sky Steve Gottlieb
13 A night with some UC Berkeley luminaries Steve Gottlieb
August 2010
25 The youngest known galactic supernova remnant Steve Gottlieb
16 Observing Barnard's Galaxy from Lassen Steve Gottlieb
14 Friendly Skies Mark Wagner
8 Bonny Doon Mark Wagner
18 NGC 6962 group Steve Gottlieb
19 UFO sighting from Houge Park Mark Wagner
More from Saturday night at Willow Springs
Steve Gottlieb
12 The view through 48-inches Steve Gottlieb
March 2010
15 Short night at Lake Sonoma Steve Gottlieb
14 The Big Freeze; A Cold Night In UMa Mark Wagner
February 2010
17 A Good Night For Winter Mark Wagner
14 Touring the Celestial Zoo Steve Gottlieb
Starlights Return Mark Wagner
November 2009
25 Wet Behind The Ears - Dewy Night at Willow Springs Mark Wagner
15 Winter's Return to Willow Springs Mark Wagner
October 2009
17 Late Season Highlights from Willow Springs Mark Wagner
September 2009
24 Himalia and more from Lake Sonoma Steve Gottlieb
Spoiling An "A" Student Mark Wagner
02 Double shadow transit on Jupiter and more Steve Gottlieb
August 2009
20 No Need For Speed Mark Wagner
16 Observing Distant Fires (Holy Smokes!) Mark Wagner
12 Two object OR from Lake Sonoma on 7/25/09 Steve Gottlieb
01 Short But Good Night at Houge Park Mark Wagner
July 2009
22 July 21/22, 2009: Two Nights With New Sights Mark Wagner
21 Longest Solar Eclipse of the 21st Century a success! Steve Gottlieb
May 2009
25 A Memorable Weekend Mark Wagner
23 Rare Sighting at IHOP Mark Wagner
22 Return to Blue Canyon Mark Wagner
16 Sons of Dobzilla Mark Wagner
15 Big Turnout at Houge Park Mark Wagner
Apr 2009
25 Event Horizon at Deepsky Ranch Mark Wagner
22 Venus Occultation Steve Gottlieb
20 Outstanding Night at Dinosaur Point Mark Wagner
04 A Surprising Night at Houge Park Mark Wagner
Mar 2009
30 Patience Pays... Mark Wagner
25 Digging Celestial Bones at Dinosaur Point Mark Wagner
Feb 2009
20 Frosty Hickson Mark Wagner
02 Houge Park - Try It, You'll Like It! Mark Wagner
Jan 2009
21 Monday night at Lake Sonoma 1/26/09 Steve Gottlieb
Willows Springs 12/30/08 Steve Gottlieb
Lake Sonoma 1/17/09 Steve Gottlieb
02 Ice-nine night at Willow Springs Mark Wagner
Dec 2008
15 Remember when it was clear 3 weeks ago... Steve Gottlieb
01 Chasing tiny celestial butterflies 11/17/08 Steve Gottlieb
Munching Cosmic Brownies at Coe Mark Wagner
Nov 2008
24 Observing-LITE Mark Wagner
08 Wide Gaps Mark Wagner
Oct 2008
27 Deep Sky Ranch 10/25/08 Steve Gottlieb
26 Location, location, location... Mark Wagner
Sep 2008
29 CalStar 2008 - It doesn't get much better Mark Wagner
01 "Mariposa" - from the Cocoon Mark Wagner
Lake Sonoma 8/30/08 Steve Gottlieb
Aug 2008
05 Seeing stars in two very different clusters.... Mark Wagner
03 Mt. Lassen - Going Dark at 7.5 Mark Wagner
Jul 2008
22 GSSP Steve Gottlieb
07 ER: GSSP 2008

Mark Wagner

June 2008
11 Willow Springs 6/7/08 Steve Gottlieb
08 Willow Springs - Who Needs Sleep? (Bring on Adin)... Mark Wagner
May 2008
14 OR 3: LMC Sampler from Australia Steve Gottlieb
  Losing Ten Inches Ain't Fun! Mark Wagner
04 A night of interacting pairings ... Steve Gottlieb
April 2008
30 Planetaries: Magellan Observatory, NSW 4/4/08-4/12/08 Steve Gottlieb
27 Magellan Observatory, New South Wales 4/4/08-4/12/08 Steve Gottlieb
Sleepy Time Report from Willow Springs. Mark Wagner
March 2008
10 Tour of Puppis Clusters (3/2/08) Steve Gottlieb
09 Galaxy Fields Forever Mark Wagner
February 2008
21 Lunar Eclipse from Lafayette Steve Gottlieb
Eclipse - Three Views? Mark Wagner
10 Willow Springs 2/10/08 Steve Gottlieb
06 2/4/08 from Lake Sonoma Steve Gottlieb
January 2008
02 First OR of the new year: 1/1/08 at Fremont Peak Steve Gottlieb
December 2007
24 Team Dioscuri and Celestial Sports.... Mark Wagner
13 A Winter's Day... Mark Wagner
09 Lake Sonoma Saturday 12/8/07 Steve Gottlieb
November 2007
04 "Dino-Nite!" Mark Wagner
03 Comet night at Houge Park Mark Wagner
October 2007
25 Holmes Mark Wagner
More Comet Holmes 17/P Mark Wagner
14 Fremont Peak 10/13/07 Steve Gottlieb
07 A Social Night At Coe Mark Wagner
September 2007
20 Willow Springs in the shadow of a 33" (9/15/07) Steve Gottlieb
18 Willow Springs Sept 15 2007 Mark Wagner
11 Lake Sonoma 9/10/07 (Monday night) Steve Gottlieb
9 Observing at Plettstone Sept 9 2007 Mark Wagner
August 2007
15 A Surprise in the Small Sagittarius Star Cloud Steve Gottlieb
13 The DARC Observatory 8/11/07 Steve Gottlieb
My "Joe Friday" Observing Report Mark Wagner
4 How To Feel Letdown on a Good Night Mark Wagner
July 2007
25 OR 3: GSSP and Sierra Buttes (Globs) Steve Gottlieb
24 Sierra Buttes (Two southern HII complexes) Steve Gottlieb
22 Steady seeing conditions at Bumpass! Steve Gottlieb
21 OR 1: GSSP and Sierra Buttes, July 21 2007 (Planetaries) Steve Gottlieb
18 GSSP July 18 2007 - Where The Myth Began Mark Wagner
16 Comet VZ13 Mark Wagner
June 2007
22 Houge Park Mark Wagner
14 Making Lemonade at Michelle's... Mark Wagner
May 2007
12 Short IHOP on 5/12/07 and Lake Sonoma on 5/14/07 Steve Gottlieb
12 Short OR from 5/12/07: Ice House Observation Plateau (IHOP4) Steve Gottlieb
12 Coe was a winner! Mark Wagner
April 2007
Star Hill Inn 4/14/07 Steve Gottlieb
March 2007
Return to Fremont Peak (I musta been drunk)... Mark Wagner
Lake Sonoma Sunday night 3/11/07 Steve Gottlieb
Bon Appetit! Mark Wagner
February 2007
Lake Sonoma 2/16/07 Steve Gottlieb
January 2007
OR: Lake Sonoma on Saturday 1/13/07 Steve Gottlieb
Daytime Mc-Not Easy In Binos Mark Wagner
December 2006
18 Last night at Lake Sonoma Steve Gottlieb
November 2006
Willow Springs - Out In The Wilds Mark Wagner
Willow Springs Steve Gottlieb
October 2006
29 Willow Springs Ayers site 10/21/06 Steve Gottlieb
20 Excellent conditions at Lake Sonoma last night! Steve Gottlieb
15 Coe last night.... Mark Wagner
September 2006
28 Lake Sonoma - 9/25/06 Steve Gottlieb
27 Calstar Aways Wins... Mark Wagner
19 Solar Pillar Mark Wagner
17 Coe last night... brief report... Mark Wagner
02 Houge Park 9/1 Mark Wagner
August 2006
29 Guide Dogs Rock! Mark Wagner
28 Willow Springs, 26-27 Aug 2006 Steve Gottlieb
Comet 177P/Bradford Mark Wagner
24 Uranus' moons Steve Gottlieb
22 Where Stars Go To Die (8/19) Mark Wagner
14 Naked Eye Sunspot Mark Wagner
12 Sierra Buttes and Lassen 7/20 to 7/27 (Globulars) Steve Gottlieb
Sierra Buttes and Lassen 7/20 to 7/27 (Planetaries) Steve Gottlieb
Sierra Buttes and Lassen 7/20 to 7/27 (Part 1) Steve Gottlieb
05 Licked Mark Wagner
July 2006
29 Reflections from Coe: Looking In The Mirror Again... Mark Wagner
26 Nelms Star Party July 26 2006 Mark Wagner
20 Sierra Buttes and Lassen 7/20 to 7/27 (Globulars) Steve Gottlieb
Sierra Buttes and Lassen 7/20 to 7/27 (Planetaries) Steve Gottlieb
Sierra Buttes and Lassen 7/20 to 7/27 (Part I) Steve Gottlieb
October 1998
17 Spotted Beast of the North Mark Wagner
August 1998
21 Terror at 7200 ft Mark Wagner
For more observing reports, look here, here and here.