- Observing Down Under - Steve Gottlieb
- Seasonal Favorites - Jim Shields
- Off The Beaten Path - Steve Gottlieb
- John Dobson: Astronomy for Children under 80 - Jim Shields
- Spectra of Hot and Cool Stars - Jim Shields
- Thoughts on a Great Comet - Jay Reynolds Freeman
- Quantum Wierdness: The Garden of Forking Paths - Jim Shields
- Herschel II in Rome: Another Way - Bill Meyers
- The RASC Deep Sky Challenge - Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 - Akarsh Simha
Globular Clusters Everywhere!
- Globular Clusters in Ophiuchus - Steve Gottlieb
- The Globulars of Sagittarius - Steve Gottlieb
- UKS-1 & The Terzan Globulars - Barbara Wilson
- Palomar Marathon - Doug Snyder
- Extreme Halo Globulars - Barbara Wilson
- Extragalactic Globulars - Jim Shields
- Globulars in the Andromeda Galaxy - Steve Gottlieb
- Imaging Globulars in M31 - Christine Churchill, Mike Dickerson & Victoria Brown
- Globular Clusters in M33 - Rich Jakiel
Planetary and Diffuse Nebulae
- 200 Brightest PN for Small Scopes & Binos - Scott Harrington
- Dissecting the Veil Nebula - Steve Gottlieb
- MASH Planetaries for Hawkeyes - Steve Gottlieb
- M33 HII Regions and Star Clouds - Steve Gottlieb
- Planetary Firsts - Jim Shields
- The Abell Planetaries - Jim Shields
- Mostly Bright Winter Planetaries - Jim Shields
- Celestial Colors - Brian Skiff
- Sharpless HII Regions - Jim Shields
- Observing Barnard’s Loop - Dave Riddle
- The Closest Planetary - Dave Riddle
- A New SNR in Cygnus - Dave Riddle & Ronald Stoyan
- Mostly Bright Summer Planetaries - Jim Shields
- Autumn Planetaries - Doug Snyder
Galaxies Galore!
- Touring the Peculiar Universe - Bob Hill
- Halton Arp’s Peculiar Adventures - Jim Shields
- Bright NGC Galaxies - Jim Shields
- Barnard’s Galaxy: A Century of Observing - Rich Jakiel
- A Tour of Galaxy Chains - Jim Shields
- Quintets, Sextets & Septets - Steve Gottlieb
- Complete Hickson Catalog - Miles Paul
- 32 Interesting Hickson Groups - Jim Shields
- Compact Galaxy Triplets - Miles Paul
Observing Galaxy Clusters
- Observing Galaxy Clusters: An Introduction - Jim Shields
- 36 Interesting Galaxy Clusters - Jim Shields
- Large Scale Structure in the Nearby Universe - Jim Shields
- A Winter Supercluster: Perseus - Pisces - Jim Shields
- A Southern Supercluster: Hydra - Centaurus - Jim Shields
- The Great Wall of Galaxies - Jim Shields
- The Virgo Mainline - Steve Gottlieb
- Virgo Highlights - Jim Shields
- The Coma Cluster - Steve Gottlieb
- Tackling the Corona Borealis Galaxy Cluster - Steve Gottlieb
- The IC 4329 Cluster - Steve Gottlieb
Historically Themed Journeys
- The Rise and Fall of the Great Melbourne Telescope - Steve Gottlieb
Ultimate Challenges
- Revised AINTNO 100 - Barbara Wilson & Larry Mitchell
- Ultimate Challenges - Rich Jakiel
- Simeis 147 Observed - Rich Jakiel
- Observing the Jet in M87 - Dave Healy
- The Double Quasar - Jay McNeal
- Einstein’s Cross - Jay Reynolds Freeman
- The Ultimate Challenge - Jim Shields
Night Vision Adventures
- Beyond Barnard’s Loop - Mark McCarthy
- Spica Nebula - Mark McCarthy
- The Sivan Nebula - Mark McCarthy